Cresswind Women’s Club Presents Award To Hometown Hero

On Thursday, Nov. 21, the Cresswind Women’s Club of Westlake presented John Platt with the very first Hometown Hero Award issued by the CWC. This award recognizes his implementation of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office COP (Citizen Observer Patrol) volunteer program in Westlake. Platt serves as captain of Unit #117, which is made up of 17 volunteer members that live in Westlake and Arden. Not all members were able to attend the November CWC meeting, but several are shown here: (L-R) Capt. John Platt with his award, Gert Miliante, Sgt. Joe Andrews, Lt. Ark Streltsoff, Alex Starikov, Sheree Biafore (CWC chair), Nik Daunov, Mike Merritt, Steve Stiefeld and Steve Jamnik.