Bailey McGowan Graduates USF

Bailey McGowan, a 2008 graduate of Wellington High School, graduated in May from the University of South Florida in Tampa with a degree in sign language interpreting.

In a nationwide search for graduating American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting students, McGowan was one of only 12 students chosen by VRS Interpreting Institute to attend its school-to-work immersion program in Salt Lake City, Utah, for 13 weeks of intensive study and hands-on interpreting experience in the local Salt Lake City community.

McGowan’s education began with four years at WHS in its ASL program, taught by Holly Unser, Sarah Docekal and Jacquelyn Vassallo. McGowan was taught by Unser, whose disciplined study of ASL not only includes a constant practice of the mechanics of ASL but also an introduction to deaf culture and a deep understanding of the history of ASL.


Above: Bailey McGowan