Wellington’s Giardina Publishes A Book

Marisa Giardina, a resident of Wellington by way of Long Island, N.Y., has written a book titled Three of Us, which chronicles her life of struggle as a child in Italy during World War II. After leaving Libya as a young girl, where her father was a member of the Italian Army, Marisa and Lina, her older sister, accompanied their mother to Italy as World War II was in full bloom.

Every conceivable horror that war can inflict on a mother and two little girls was visited upon Giardina and her family. As they moved from bomb shelter to bomb shelter, barely keeping a roof over their head, they often went without food and had very little clothing.

Through it all, Giardina longed for her father, the one person she was convinced could make it all better.

Using her photographic memory, Giardina takes the reader on a personal journey through history, reliving every aspect of war in its rawest form. The reader will experience unimaginable human suffering and the power of the human will to survive.

This is a history book, a book about a dysfunctional family functioning in a dysfunctional environment and it is a story of a little girl surviving because her mother saved her body and her sister saved her soul.

Three of Us is a true, life-changing story of a mother and two daughters and their determination to survive the horrors of World War II, their journey from Libya to Italy and a little girl’s longing for the father she never knew.

For more information, or to read excerpts from the book, visit www.marisagiardina.com.


Above:Marisa Giardina