Western Business Alliance’s First Social A Success

The Western Business Alliance hosted its inaugural networking social on Thursday, Oct. 16, at the White Elephant in Wellington. More than 120 local business members attended the event to support the new organization.

“This is a tremendous show of support, said Don Gross of Keller Williams Reality, membership chairman for the alliance. “We have had multiple attendees join tonight.”

Those attending overflowed from the back room to the main bar and dining area. The evening began with Gross welcoming attendees and giving a brief overview of the group while a slide show of members and media articles played in the background.

“I had several friends e-mail me the invitation,” Monica Lewis of Total Shredding said. “I’m so impressed with the alliance that I joined the organization tonight.”

Guests enjoyed complementary appetizers and a drink while participating in a 50/50 drawing. Everyone was given a raffle ticket for a bottle of wine and had the opportunity to win a $50 gift basket.

The group’s next event will be a social on Thursday, Nov. 13 at Flanigan’s Seafood Bar & Grill in Wellington from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The event is open to any business member, and pre-registration is requested at www.thewesternbusinessalliance.com.

The entrance fee for the event is $10 for members and $15 for guests and future members.

Throughout the year, the Western Business Alliance will host a variety of topical lunches, socials and educational events to assist in building strategic alliances between its members.

ABOVE:  (Front row) John Marinelli, Lynne Keane, Marcia Berwick, Claudia Camacho, Hope Barron, Eric Gordon and Maureen Gross; (back row) Martha Webster, Mario Camacho, Ron Tomchin, Peter Wein, Selena Smith, Ken Bell and Don Gross.