HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED — Responsible for cleaning guest rooms in a timely and thorough manner. Experience and fluency in English is preferred. Must be able to work weekends and/or holidays. To Apply: Please Email Your Resume To
GOVERNMENT WRITER WANTED — Looking for a freelance writer to cover government meetings for the Town-Crier newspaper. Must have a desire to attend/watch government meetings and report on what happens. Some experience with journalistic-style writing preferred. To apply, contact Joshua Manning at or leave a message at (561) 793-7606.
SOCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER WANTED — Looking for an event photographer to take photos for the Town-Crier Newspaper and Wellington The Magazine. Must have some photography experience and the ability to take both strong photos and collect accurate, detailed caption information. To apply, contact Joshua Manning at or leave a message at (561) 793-7606.
ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE WANTED: Call Today… Start Tomorrow Call Today… Start Tomorrow — Wellington The Magazine. Call Dawn Rivera, Publisher today to set up a confidential interview (561) 793-7606 or fax your resume to (561) 793-1470
NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING SALES — Join our team. Creative! Energetic! Team Player! Needed to join our display team for The Town-Crier Newspaper. Experience is an advantage. Interested? Call Dawn Rivera today to schedule an interview at (561) 793-7606 or fax your resume to (561) 793-1470.
ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (BILLING) AND OTHER OFFICE TASK PART-TIME POSITION AVAILABLE — Knowledge of QuickBooks and Microsoft Excel preferred but not required. Will train the right candidate. Must be quick learner and have strong computer skills. Send resume to
CLASSIFIEDS ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE NEEDED — Available Immediately. Call Dawn Rivera 561-793-7606 or Fax Resume 561-793-1470
WE WANT YOU! SALES ASSISTANT — Wanted for Western Communities Territory. Work with Advertising Executives. Will train right candidate. Interested? Call Dawn Rivera Today at 561-793-7606.