Letter: Support For Roy Parks

I am writing in support of longtime resident Roy Parks, who is a candidate for a board seat on the Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District. Mr. Parks and I have served together for several years on the board of the Loxahatchee Groves Landowners’ Association, and I know him to be a responsible individual who cares deeply about our community. Mr. Parks has three years’ experience working with the South Florida Water Management District and has an understanding of the water issues facing our community and South Florida as a whole. He has a degree in business administration as well as a master’s of science degree. Mr. Parks is certainly well qualified for this position.

Last year, our residents voted to change up the 95-year-old voting system of voting by proxy according to acres owned. This is the first time that a seat on the water board will be determined by popular vote. Votes will be cast by a one person/one vote system instead of the number of acres a property holder owns. This is the only seat (out of five) that qualifies for this popular vote method. All other seats remain on the old system whereas large landowners get more votes.

Some of the LGWCD board members have sat in their seats for a dozen years. I do not think a seat on the LGWCD board should become a lifetime career. This is an historic election, and I believe it is time for a change. If you are a registered voter and a landowner in Loxahatchee Groves, please join me in voting for Mr. Roy Parks on June 25 at the LGWCD headquarters at 101 West D Road.

Claus von Grote
Loxahatchee Groves