Whole Foods Reception For Artist Laura Willems May 29

Laura Willems is the current Wellington Art Society solo artist featured at Whole Foods Market in Wellington.

A reception in her honor will be held at Whole Foods on Friday, May 29 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. There will be live music, delicious snacks, special vintage wines and door prizes. A $5 charge at the door will go to the Wellington Art Society Scholarship Fund.

Willems was born and raised in the midwest and loves sports, the outdoors and spending time with animals. She has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut.

Willems is an avid traveler who has visited all seven continents and has been inspired by the diverse cultures and landscapes she has experienced, as well as the many museums she has visited over the years. Willems’ art has evolved through those travels and by participating in classes and seminars in various mediums and artistic styles.

Her art has now evolved through the laws of gravity, chemistry and physics into unique, highly kinetic interplays of vivid color that ebb and flow. Each painting is created in a mixed media bath of acrylics, oils, gesso and metallics of different density and liquidity. The canvas is dipped in this bath, then tilted and worked, allowing the mediums to flow and merge into complex patterns and intricate textures.

Willems’ paintings can be viewed in any direction and explode in breathtaking brilliant colors. The exhibit features 16 works of art comprised of 27 separate and grouped panels.

She has shown her work in many juried and invitational exhibitions, including Art in Public Places at Palm Beach International Airport. She has also participated in many art shows and done several demonstrations. Her current exhibit will continue through June 15.

For more information about the Wellington Art Society, visit www.wellingtonartsociety.org.