Letter: Be Active In Town Government

If I died tomorrow, it would be having accomplished part of my political goal. And that part is to meet with and listen to Groves residents whom I don’t know.

Since being elected to the Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District Board of Supervisors in June, a few people whom I’ve never met have actively sought my ear and openly shared their concerns. For that, I am humbled and grateful.

What did they say? The universal consensus: We are scared about what is happening in our town. How do we fix it?

The fix is simple, but not easy; there is a distinct difference between the two words. The fix is yet another demand on our time. The fix requires abiding by law. The fix requires accepting our differences. The fix requires omitting vendetta. The fix requires solutions and compromises that benefit the many, not the few or the one.

Please stop here, take a minute, then reread the preceding paragraph. The solution: Become involved in your town’s future. Come to meetings!

Don’t fear the idea that if I speak at a meeting, code enforcement will be enforced on my property. Whether it is, or isn’t affected, this directly relates to abiding by law. If you are unjustly coded, pursue righting the injustice.

Be respectful, focused and concise when you speak, so everyone can understand the point that you are trying to convey. State your concern using facts and, if possible, offer a potential solution that benefits the whole.

If you are completely vexed by town goings-on, ask questions! As elected officials, councilmen and board supervisors are obligated to answer residents’ questions — silence is not acceptable. We serve the residents and are accountable for your money and the town’s future!

As a resident, seek your own information and answers. LGWCD Administrator Steve Yohe welcomes communication with residents. Underwood Management is accessible to residents. Supervisors and councilmen are accountable to you — the residents.

Finally — this is my favorite — stop lying! This statement includes omitting information and exaggerating facts. As we become more informed and involved, it gets easier to determine fact from fiction. I’m still learning and acquiring information from all “sides.”

And I promise, as a resident and town representative, I will support whatever enhances or complements our rural lifestyle, privacy and law. I also promise to call “junk” when I can prove it.

Laura Danowski, Loxahatchee Groves