Letter: The Right Choice For Congress

“With your help, we can return power to the people.” As a physician, businessman and veteran, Dr. Mark Freeman has the real world experience that Congress needs. He knows that in order to change Washington, we need to change the type of people who go into Congress, which is why he has signed a term limit pledge and refuses to accept contributions from lobbyists or special interests.

“Washington is broken,” Dr. Mark says. “Now is not the time for politics as usual. We need strong leaders who are committed to getting our nation back on track.”

Dr. Mark was a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve. Now retired from the armed forces, he is committed to providing our veterans with the medical care they were promised and deserve. He makes life and death decisions nearly every day, and he must be right every time. Congress suffers from a lack of leadership, with our politicians only concerned with winning the next election, when they should really be concerned with solving our nation’s problems.

With Dr. Mark, he knows what it takes to run a successful business. Being the owner of six healthcare centers, and the captain of a team of 14 doctors, Dr. Mark is used to making tough decisions and understands the responsibilities of being a leader. Applying with a future position in Congress, Dr. Mark is not a career politician. Washington, like Congress, has plenty of them, and they’re not the solution to the challenges facing our nation.

These issues include the protection of our borders to ensure our nation is safe and defended, repealing Obamacare and the mess it has caused, destroying ISIS entirely, as well as strengthening our economy. From Wall Street bailouts to a failure to enforce our laws, our elected leaders have let us down.

If you’re ready to send a citizen servant and strong leader to Washington to fight for what’s right on behalf of the American people, Dr. Mark Freeman is the best choice in Florida’s District 18.

Alexandra Sossa, Royal Palm Beach


  1. Really this is the most inferior candidate ever. This man has no clue. All the other candidates are head and shoulders over this man. Really Alexandra where did you get all this stuff?

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