St. Peter’s Church Youth Group Stages Random Acts Of Kindness

Cerissa Berrios, Bradley Berrios, Matthew Emerick and Chris Exhantus deliver dessert to PBCFR Station 27.

The St. Peter’s United Methodist Church Youth Group participated in its second annual Random Acts of Kindness event in the Wellington area.

On Sunday, Dec. 17, youth and adults scattered around town to bring joy during this holiday season. They passed out candy canes, read to children in the mall, delivered desserts to local fire stations, placed popcorn on a Red Box kiosk, helped put shopping carts away, sang carols to shut-ins, bought a meal for someone in need, paid for someone’s dinner at the Wendy’s drive-through and many more acts of kindness.

People were excited to receive the joy of these random acts. “The youth felt immediate joy through their actions,” Youth Director Samantha Scott said. “We talked about how these actions could have been the highlight of someone’s day, and it was something they will most likely share with their friends and family. It’s a domino effect — give joy to one and they will pass that joy to someone else.”

The message at the church this week was making a difference, one by one, and the youth group members did just that. The church preschool, St. Peter’s Child Enrichment Center, is teaching this to the children through the book, How Full is Your Bucket by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer.

“These actions should be done year-round, not just during the holidays,” parent Thomas Petri said.

St. Peter’s will continue to share the joy of the holiday through services on Christmas Eve: 8 a.m. traditional service, 9:30 a.m. contemporary service, 11 a.m. traditional service, 5 p.m. children/family service with a children’s program, 7 p.m. candlelight service and 9 p.m. candlelight service with communion. For more info., visit