Renaissance Charter School At Palms West Remembers Lives Lost On 9/11

The plexiglass model of the twin towers.

It has become a tradition for the Renaissance Charter School at Palms West to solemnly remember the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001 and to pay respect to the lives lost.

This year, student leaders chose to build a clear plexiglass model of the World Trade Center towers. Then, 2,996 stones were delivered to all staff members and students. The initials of those lost that day were then inscribed onto the stones.

Each of the stones were carefully placed inside of the model. Since the model is clear plexiglass, the stones with the initials were visible.

The model was then taken outside and the remembrance ceremony was presented to community leaders, police officers, firefighters, families, staff members and entire student body.

Speeches of somber remembrances were given by local dignitaries, along with Principal Steve Epstein and Assistant Principal Gabriella Gonda.

The culmination of the event was the release of 11 symbolic white doves to the thrill and cheers of all in attendance.