The following Wednesday morning update was released by the Village of Wellington:
Wellington’s municipal complex is open for business on Wednesday, Aug. 29 during its normal operating hours from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
As employees continue to focus on storm-related issues, residents other customers may experience delays in the normal processing time. Wellington thanks the entire community for its continued patience.
In addition to Village Hall, the Wellington Community Center, Wellington Aquatics Complex and the Village Park gym are now open during their normal operating hours. All fields and other parks remain closed until further notice.
Wellington continues to pump water at the maximum rate. In addition to public roadways and right of ways, crews are assisting private communities with surface water management including Grand Isles, the Isles of Wellington and Versailles. Solid waste pick-ups are on schedule today, but trucks will not be able to run on South Shore Blvd. between Lake Worth Road and 50th Street. Localized flooding may make some areas unserviceable but authorities will make every effort to bring solid waste service to all residents.
Residents with any concerns can contact the Village of Wellington at (561) 791-4000. Up-to -ate flooding and road usage information, including interactive maps and alternative route tools, are available at by selecting the Emergency Management button on the home page.