Letter: Greed Behind Woman’s Loss

Editor’s note: The following letter is in response to last week’s crime news item “Woman Scammed Out Of $1,000 Cash.”

She was scammed because she was greedy. She should have ignored them. I had something similar happen to me at the Gardens Mall years ago.

While resting on a bench, a well-dressed man sat down beside me. After a few minutes he looked into one of that planters and miraculously found a paper bag. He looked in and said, “Wow! I don’t believe this; there’s lots of money in here! Is this yours?”

I said, “Yes, it is!”

I can’t tell you how quickly he ran. Never got to meet the third party, his partner. It’s called the “pigeon drop,” and they rely on the greed of the victim.

Gemma Maguire Koder
Loxahatchee Groves