Alex Ng Honored For His Community Service

Alex Ng of Wellington High School was announced as the winner of Pediatrics After Hours’ “Every Child Makes a Difference” contest, in the 12- to 21-year-old category. The contest showcases children ages 6-11 and 12-21 who perform outstanding community service, and Pediatrics After Hours received hundreds of nominations from throughout Florida.

Ng started his community service work after the hurricanes of 2004. Watching the news, he saw many children in shelters without any toys. Ng asked for help and managed to collect more than 300 toys. With the help of Mo Foster and Sally Sevareid of The Mo & Sally Show on Kool 105.5 FM, and having Sevareid teach him the word “plight,” Ng realized that it felt good to give and that there are many kids out there in need.

For the past six years, Ng has visited Pleasant City Elementary School, providing students with gently used backpacks and new school supplies in August, and visiting the school’s aftercare program at Christmas time with dollar store toys.

Ng also provides help to animals, as a top fundraiser for the South Florida Wildlife Center’s Walk for Wildlife and having recently coordinated a bedding drive for Safe Harbor Animal Sanctuary. Ng also volunteers his time on the soccer field, his first love, coaching a U-14 recreational team and goalie training a U-10 girls team. He earns his spending money by refereeing soccer games on the weekend, though he often refs for free for teams that scrimmage on the weekends.

At WHS, Ng is enrolled in the pre-equine vet program, taking three honors and two AP courses.

As winner of Every Child Makes a Difference, Ng received a crystal trophy, a letter from Gov. Rick Scott, a note from President Barack Obama, a star named after him and $2,500 in prizes.

“I could not have done any of this without the help of my community: the Town-Crier for encouraging the youth in this community and getting the info out there, Rita’s Ice, Duffy’s Bar & Grill, my soccer league Royal Palm  Beach Strikers, but most of all my parents, my friends and their parents and my neighbors,” Ng said.

Ng’s next project is Dimes for Donations, a Black Friday sale in Belle Glade. Ng plans to go out to Belle Glade with friends the day after Thanksgiving to hold a Black Friday sale for the community. For the next two months, Ng and his friends will be collecting toys, books, shoes, clothing, household supplies and furniture. These items will be stored and brought out to Belle Glade.

The church will then sell $1 cards allowing the bearer to purchase up to 10 items (Dimes for Donations). The funds will go toward the church’s children’s programs and everyone will be able to shop.

“I think it would be nice for them to shop for stuff rather than have them come and get handouts,” Ng said. “Anyone can afford $1; I just hope I can come up with enough donations for them.”

Anyone interested in donating any items can e-mail Ng at or find him on Facebook under Alex Ng of Royal Palm Beach.


Above: Michelle Wright of CBS News and Kelly Zampini of After Hours Pediatrics announce Alex Ng as the winner in his category.