Endorsement: Re-Elect Hastings To Congress

The Nov. 6 general election is just weeks away, and Florida voters have plenty of to decide before they enter their polling place. From now until the election, the Town-Crier will offer opinions on some of the items voters will find on the ballot. This week we offer our recommendations for Palm Beach County State Attorney, two local congressional races and the two Palm Beach County ballot questions.

U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, DISTRICT 20 — Longtime Democratic incumbent Alcee Hastings is facing a challenge from no-party candidate Randall Terry, a national anti-abortion activist who lives in West Virginia. Because of a loophole in state election law, Terry is using this congressional race as a publicity stunt. He’s also running for president in other states. He has no interest in representing the people of this district, and he really shouldn’t be on the ballot. Hastings has spent two decades representing South Florida and has served his constituents well. There really is no choice here. The Town-Crier strongly endorses re-electing Alcee Hastings to the U.S. House of Representatives in District 20.