Ann Norton Gardens To Feature Author Nikolopoulos

The historic Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens is proud to host an evening of conversation with local author Daphne Nikolopoulos presenting her first novel, The Tenth Saint. The event will take place at the gardens Thursday, Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. and will showcase an excerpt from the book, discussions of Nikolopoulos’ latest travels to Ethiopia, and book signing.

When not working as the editor of Palm Beach Illustrated, Nikolopoulos is writing under her pen name, D.J. Niko. The journalist, author, editor and self-proclaimed modern nomad has spent the better part of two decades traveling the world. As a former travel writer and zealous adventurer, Nikolopoulos has visited remote spots on six continents, many of which have inspired her novels. The Tenth Saint is her debut novel in a series of archaeological thrillers.

The Tenth Saint tells the story of Cambridge archaeologist Sarah Weston, who makes an unusual discovery in the ancient Ethiopian mountain kingdom of Aksum — a sealed tomb with inscriptions in an obscure dialect. Along with her colleague, American anthropologist Daniel Madigan, she tries to identify the entombed man and translate the inscriptions. Tracking down clues in Addis Ababa and the monasteries of Lalibela, Sarah and Daniel uncover a codex in the subterranean library revealing the secret of the tomb — a set of prophecies about Earth’s final hours, written by a man hailed by Ethiopian mystics as Coptic Christianity’s 10th saint. Faced with violent opposition and left for dead in the heart of the Simien Mountains, Sarah and Daniel survive to journey to Paris, where they’re given a 14th-century letter describing the catastrophic events that will lead to the planet’s demise. Connecting the two discoveries, Sarah faces a deadly conspiracy to keep the secret buried in order to promote technological advances presently leading toward the prophesied end of the Earth.

Attendees are encouraged to read the book prior to the conversation, It can be purchased at the Classic Bookshop (310 South County Road, Palm Beach) or by calling (561) 655-2485.

Reservations for the event are required by calling (561) 832-5328 or by e-mailing For more information on the Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens, visit

The historic Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens Inc. is a foundation established in 1977 by the prominent sculptor Ann Weaver Norton. The organization has grown to be an important cultural institution giving the community and visitors an opportunity to explore nature and art in an environmentally conscience urban environment.

Dedicated to preserving the historic beauty of the Ann Norton Sculpture Garden, the nationally designated property and 2.2-acre urban gardens are home to over 300 species of tropical palms and native plants — one of the most significant collections in Florida.

The gardens are located at 2051 S. Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach. The rare palm and sculpture gardens, exhibition galleries and artist studio are currently open Wednesday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Available services include exhibitions, guided tours of the gardens and Norton’s original sculpture studio, guest lectures and educational programs.

All programs promote a preservation ethic and incorporate the arts, environmental awareness, and interpretive history of Ann Weaver Norton.