Letter: Support For College Campus

Councilman Jim Rockett, you have the opportunity to save the citizens of Loxahatchee Groves thousand of dollars in taxation over their lifetime based on your knowledge of the Palm Beach State College property.

Finding a suitable fit for the current state college property has been ongoing since the early 1990s. The state college is the best fit that anyone could ask for since they maintain their properties, provide their own 24-7 security force, have agreed to share in the cost of OGEM and speed bumps to control traffic on B Road. The state college will always be there!

Additionally, if the property were commercial, if the individual lessee moved out, it could be leased to someone we don’t know or the property may remain vacant for a lengthy period of time. Plus, the state college closes down every night by 10 p.m., is not open on Sundays and observes all major legal holidays.

During the upcoming election, the choice is up to each voting citizen as to who they want to be their neighbor!

Ken Johnson
Loxahatchee Groves


  1. Guaranteed that the traffic from Palm Beach State College and the purposed shopping center/grocery store at the Bink’s Forest/Southern Blvd interrsection will cause a tremendous increase of traffic on Bink’s Forest Drive and Greenview Shores Blvd.

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