Western Pines Character Counts Recipients

Western Pines Middle School Principal Bob Hatcher has announced the Character Counts recipients for the month of January. These students were selected by their language arts teachers as students of distinction for their work in and out of the classroom.

From the sixth grade comes Kendall Wright. According to her teachers, she is an excellent student in all of her classes. She is admired by teachers and classmates alike and is an excellent writer who pays close attention to all classroom assignments. In addition, Wright is willing to help others as needed.

Seventh-grader Romina Giusti is polite and respectful, according to her teachers. However, she is also a force for positive behavior and embodies the ideals of the “Tigers Roar” program. Giusti completely owns her grades and her actions. When given constructive criticism, she listens closely to her teachers and tries her best to improve. Her effort is apparent in every assignment she undertakes. Additionally, Giusti is optimistic, gracious and kind to teachers and students alike. She is always willing to work with someone who needs help and offers support with a benevolent, encouraging smile.

Eighth-grader Cassidy Anderson’s teachers said that she exemplifies the character traits that make working with young people a pleasure. She is always personable in the classroom or whenever she crosses paths with her classmates and teachers in the hallway. Always cooperative, never forgetting to hand in assignments or homework, and always willing to help others by volunteering to clarify something for someone who does not fully understand a concept, Anderson’s sunny disposition and tireless work ethic will ensure her a bright future and make her deserving of recognition for her winning attitude.


Above: Principal Bob Hatcher with Kendal Wright, Romina Giusti and Cassidy Anderson.