Residents Invited To Speak On Tennis Center Plans

Wellington residents will have three opportunities next week to weigh in on plans for the new Wellington Tennis Center.

Staff members will be available to meet with residents on Monday, March 4 from 6 to 7 p.m., on Tuesday, March 5 from 9 to 10 a.m. and on Thursday, March 7 from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Wellington Village Council chambers.

“It’s an opportunity to come and be involved in the process before any decisions have been made,” Director of Operations Jim Barnes told the Town-Crier Wednesday. “Oftentimes, residents miss the opportunity to give us input until later in the process. This is a chance to get involved early.”

Last year, council members decided to move the tennis center from the Wellington Community Center.

“The council decided they wanted to move it, but they didn’t decide yet where it is going,” Barnes said. “They really want to have resident input before they make a decision.”

There are three sites in contention: the village’s 10-acre civic site near the Mall at Wellington Green, 15 acres adjacent to the Village Walk community on Lyons Road and the K-Park property on State Road 7.

“We want residents from all of Wellington, but especially in these communities, to come in and give us their comments,” Barnes said.

Additionally, Barnes said Wellington staff is meeting with the homeowners’ associations in Village Walk and Olympia on Wednesday, March 6 at Village Walk. “We’re meeting with their boards so we can answer any questions and hear their concerns,” he said.

In addition to taking comments at the village meetings, Barnes said he would be available to answer questions or show residents the different options for consideration. “We’ll have comment cards available if residents want to submit them,” Barnes said. “Staff will be taking notes, and if anyone has questions, we’ll be happy to answer them with the information we do have.”

Barnes explained that plans for the new tennis center would vary depending upon the location.

“Ultimately, its location will dictate its look,” he said of the new facility. “It would likely match the architecture of that area.”

On Monday, March 4, Barnes will also be giving a presentation on the issue to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, and residents are invited to attend.

For more information, call (561) 791-4000 or visit


  1. What is clear that the Wellington owned vacant parcel of land on Lyons Rd/Stribling, near Village Walk, will be developed. It is up to the nearby residents to decide what will be the most desirable development for this property.

    The land will not sit vacant forever. This land will be developed. Do you want a Miracle baseball field, tennis courts, a low income senior housing project, a cultural center, or a passive park?

    It is better to be proactive than reactive to suggestions for this Wellington owned property that will be developed.

    Get busy!

  2. This should be in house so the taxpayers gets a return on it’s money without have outsider make hundreds of thousands on it and costing the taxpayer for personal wealth..

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