Arthritis Foundation Names 2013 Walk Chairs

The Arthritis Foundation has named Eduardo Pantoja and Jeanne Mullin of the Center for Bone & Joint Surgery as the event co-chairs of the 2013 Arthritis Walk.

As volunteers for the Arthritis Foundation for the past two years, Pantoja and Mullin were asked to chair the Palm Beach County Arthritis Walk because of their leadership skills and passion for helping people with arthritis. Pantoja, director of marketing at the Center for Bone & Joint Surgery and Comprehensive Pain Care, has been in healthcare management for more than five years and was responsible for raising over $13,000 for last year’s walk.

Mullin has been with the Center for Bone & Joint Surgery for 11 years, now serving as dispensing support manager and marketing assistant and assistant to the clinical manager.

The Arthritis Walk is the Arthritis Foundation’s signature fundraising event that supports public awareness and raises funds needed to fight arthritis. For more information, call the Arthritis Foundation at (561) 833-1133 or visit

ABOVE: Eduardo Pantoja and Jeanne Mullin