Letter: Dave Swift’s Sign Fixation

Royal Palm Beach Councilman David Swift just can’t seem to move past that fear of political campaign signs. It all started on that fateful Saturday back in March 2006. It was a sunny afternoon at the corner of Okeechobee and Royal Palm Beach boulevards, when an observant Royal Palm Beach police officer leaving the Village Hall sited a pickup truck and several individuals removing candidate signs from the corner and tossing them into the back of the truck. The officer proceeded to follow the truck into La Mancha and on to the driveway of none other than David and Nixie Swift. It was determined that Nixie was caught red-handed with the goods. Despite eluding charges brought by the owner of the signs — not [former Councilwoman Martha] Webster, by the way — as the charges were later suspiciously dropped, the pair swiftly made headlines in the Palm Beach Post.

Now it seems that they still have a penchant for signs. This was most obvious when I read that David wishes to limit placing of political campaign signs to only certain areas of the Village of Royal Palm Beach. It surely will work for him, one-stop shopping; no more annoying search for the opponent’s signs and then the distressing task of where to toss them. Atta boy, Dave, keep up the good work.

Gary Webster, Royal Palm Beach

Editor’s note: Mr. Webster is the husband of former Royal Palm Beach Councilwoman Martha Webster.