Letter: Not In Support Of Tennis Move

The Wellington Village Council has voted 3-2 to move our tennis courts to Village Walk, thus tearing the heart out of Wellington! The three council members — [Matt] Willhite, [John] Greene and [Bob] Margolis — can kiss their village seats goodbye come next election. Make some space, move the 9/11 monument to Veterans Park, where no one goes because of poor planning and no parking! I’m a resident since 1981.

Peter G. Evans, Wellington


  1. We’re still in debt on the 9/11 monument. (It was promised to be all paid for by donations. But that never happened.) And we have on going monthly utility costs.

    How about some fundraising to pay-off the excessive cost of the memorial?

    Keep your promise of having donations pay for the entire 9/11 memorial, not taxpayers. We all don’t have high salaries and cushy jobs. We’re just ordinary hardworking people who depend on our politicians to keep their promises.

    More unkept promises from Wellington politicans.

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