Equestrian Village Approved, But Conditions Could Be Dealbreaker

Discussion of the Equestrian Village proposals might have come to a resolution Thursday night, but confusion over council approvals could dredge up the issue again next month.

Members of the Wellington Village Council approved two measures Thursday, a master plan amendment to the site and a compatibility determination — but both were approved with conditions.

These conditions could be deal breakers, representatives of Equestrian Sport Productions said after the vote was taken.

The master plan was approved unanimously with an additional condition that would leave an entry point at Pierson Road as it exists today instead of moving it further east as requested. That was not contested.

The compatibility determination was approved 4-1 with several additional conditions, chief among them that the applicant not be allowed to construct a left-turn lane into the site on Pierson Road. Instead, council members requested additional studies be done over the next year to see if the turn is necessary.

But Dan Rosenbaum, attorney for the applicant, said the turn lane is integral to plans for the site.

“We have to do certain culvert work and other improvements that we’ve agreed to,” he said. “Everything was engineered around that turn lane. If there’s not going to be a lane there, everything we had in the land development permit needs to be changed.”

After the compatibility determination was approved, there was confusion over several changes to the application required by the council, including questions about a conceptual site plan in the application and which body would approve that site plan.

Village Attorney Laurie Cohen suggested that the council direct staff to put all the conditions in writing and discuss them with Equestrian Sport Productions. Then, if problems remain, council members could ask to re-open the discussion at a meeting next month if they wish to modify their motion.

“My suggestion would be you go ahead and table this,” she said. “You can table it to the next meeting to see whether these minor issues could be resolved and then bring it back for those issues.”



  1. Wellington Wanna Be Resident “VConnor” should step aside from his position with the Wellington Chamber of Commerce. Fact, his residence is in Homeland, Lake Worth, Florida. Homeland has not been annexed into Wellington, Fl.

    VConnor needs to leave the business of Wellington to us…”The Residents”.
    Step aside and step away. VConnor does not speak for us.

  2. It is so disgusting to see that the Jacobs family controls our village. Margolis, Willhite and Greene all need to be removed from office by recall or the Governor.

  3. After over 100 hours of meetings with Village staff, with 4-6 people in each meeting, ESP and Staff came up with a viable plan. Matt Wilhite and John Greene threw that out last night, introducing new terms and conditions that were not previously discussed, effectively making the 100 hours of meetings with staff worthless.

    65 people spoke during public comments, including the Executive Directors or Presidents of basically every economic, sports and tourist Commission in PBC, all in favor.

    Of the 65 public comments, 61 in favor and 4 against – 2 of the four being Jacobs attorney and engineer. The Council blew off the public support.

    Wilhite and Greene put the Jacobs demand for Pierson road to be his personal driveway over the safety of residents and horses, just like the missing sidewalk down Pierson Road. The “approved” plan is so disconnected that it renders the approval meaningless.

    This was an example of inept politics at its worse. The World Equestrian Games bid is nowinoperable.This Council just killed the WEG possibility.

    The end result is after six months of a stay on litigation to come to terms, the terms worked out by ESP and Village staff are out and litigation is back in. Wilhite and Greene just cost the Village at least another $500,000 in unnecessary legal fees. Great job boys.

    Jacobs sure got his monies worth from them.

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