The article “ITID Sets Date for Manager Discussion” published last week regarding the Indian Trail Improvement District special meeting on Sept. 25 misled the property owners and families of The Acreage and Loxahatchee. To place emphasis on the spoken word of one ITID board member above all other board members lends itself to misrepresentation of truths.
The truth is the Indian Trail administrative functions are being very well handled. The administrative staff has been downsized for good cause — it was overstaffed at great expense (tax dollars) to the property owners in the community.
The truth, specifically stated, is that Jim Shallman has been placed as the interim district manager for ITID because he is qualified. Mr. Shallman has done an exemplary job of stepping into the position.
Most importantly, Mr. Shallman fills the position with outstanding credentials: 1. Jim earned a bachelor degree of science in political economy from the University of New Hampshire; 2. Jim is a property owner and resident of The Acreage/Loxahatchee; and 3. Jim has been the Indian Trail accountant since 2009.
Yes, Mr. Shallman is doing the best job because his abilities are extensive. His abilities do not diminish the position, nor are they a liability as an ITID board member would have the property owners and families in the community believe.
Truth be told, Indian Trail has never been in better hands. Thank you, Jim, for your dedication.
Penny Riccio, The Acreage
Editor’s note: Ms. Riccio is a former supervisor of the Indian Trail Improvement District.