Letter: Support For Steven Abrams

My support for [Palm Beach County] Mayor Steven Abrams is not based on partisan politics. Rather, it is based on his history of public service and his high level of performance. Mayor Steven Abrams is perhaps the best thing that has happened to Palm Beach County and Florida since Henry Morrison Flagler created the Florida East Coast Railway.

Also, my support for Mayor Abrams is not because he is Harvard educated and, like myself, also a lawyer. My trust in Mayor Abrams stems from the many hours that I watched him lead the commission with humility. He has the ability to endure provocation without becoming annoyed or upset, and above all, he remains focused on the important issues and is not distracted by petty partisan politics. In a word, he is “unflappable.”

Moreover, we all know who Steven Abrams is and what he has accomplished. On his watch, the commission functions effectively and with decorum. On his watch, the county is now financially sound. If anything, he is stingy with taxpayer money but generous to those who are truly in need of assistance.

More than anyone in recent memory, he has suggested ways to make government more efficient and less expensive. He listens politely to diverse opinions and speaks without a hint of sarcasm. Mayor Abrams is not only a leader, he is also a team player. He is an eloquent speaker and, in the highly contentious area of politics, he dignifies his office by respecting the views of the other members of the commission, and has treated each of them with the respect that they deserve. Mayor Steven Abrams is a born leader, and we are blessed by his service to our community.

Frank Morelli, Wellington


  1. Abrams is a skilled, intelligent and likable politician.

    But the comparison to Henry Morrrison Flagler is absurd.

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