College Prez Salaries Still A Bonanza


Admit it, you probably have never heard of Chatham University, have no idea where it is located and what areas of education it specializes in. But now you will know the name of its president, Esther L. Barazzone, as well as her salary — $1,812,132. After all, she makes some $160,000 more than the president of Yale University, Richard C. Levin ($1,652,543).

I have previously reported on what I consider the “gravy train” many of our illustrious college presidents get involved in. For example, Robert J. Zimmer of the University of Chicago, went home with $3,358,723 to lead the group in 2011. Second was Joseph E. Aoun of Northeastern University, who made due with $3,121,842. Number three was Dennis J. Murray of Marist College, who cashed in at $2,688,148… on a base pay of $431,650! Columbia University’s heralded leader, Lee C. Bollinger, earned take home of $2,327,344, and Lawrence S. Bacow made due with $2,223,752. Let’s not forget Amy Gutmann of the University of Pennsylvania — her pay envelope wound up with $2,091,764. And Anthony Catanese, who heads the Florida Institute of Technology, sidled home at seventh with a total of $1,184,008.

Thus, the old tale of college graduates doing better financially than non-graduates surely seems a truism with our university leadership. I wonder why America is not at the top of the leader board when it comes to worldwide recognition. Certainly the leaders are at the top of the pay scales.