Letter: Keep WCS High School Open

I am sitting here with my two children, Matthew and Lauren, as they help me compose this letter to you.

We live in The Acreage and have chosen to take the drive out to Wellington Christian School for the past 8 years because we value the education and the values WCS helps to instill in our children.

The thought of the high school closing due to finances saddens me. WCS reaches out to our local community and abroad with parental assistance to provide for those less fortunate. This is a behavior that has become learned. For that, I am grateful.

Yes, I could take my children elsewhere, another private or public school. But it would not be the same. The community would suffer from the lack of generosity and support it is accustomed to if the high school does not get the support it needs.

I learned of this only recently, so I can imagine many others not knowing what is at stake. With our society and economic health being so vulnerable for so long, it is important that we, as a community, assist where we can. I ask those of you who can, assist our school in keeping the high school open and, therefore, continuing our community efforts to do so.

Anita Garib-Sankar, The Acreage