A Responsibility Lesson At New Horizons

New Horizons Elementary School recently celebrated responsibility with a school-wide pep rally. A variety of presenters demonstrated how to show responsibility.

The Wellington High School Pep Band, under the leadership of teacher Mary Oser and student directors Joey Hempfling and Tommy Davis, performed several selections, including the national anthem.

Hempfling, along with band member Molly Cuthbertson, challenged students to think about they would like to be when they grow up and show responsibility by working toward those goals.

Students were encouraged by New Horizons guidance counselor Lynne Bray to take responsibility for their choices by owning and learning from their mistakes.

The New Horizons Elementary School Music Club, under the direction of music teacher Veronica Dillingham, performed several rhythm-based numbers focusing on responsibility.

Assistant Principal Mickey Simmel challenged students to develop their own plans by creating acrostics for R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y. Principal Betsy Cardozo encouraged students to know what’s expected and to do it.

Students rallied together in chanting the New Horizons student motto: “I am a safe and respectful learner. These are the skills I work on each day. I am safe; I am respectful; I am a learner. I stop, I think and then choose.”

ABOVE: The Wellington High School Pep Band at the New Horizons responsibility pep rally.