Letter: Louda On Minto West’s Mailer

I can now sit down and write this letter as my hysterical laughter and abject nausea have subsided. You see I received the “Insight on Minto West” mailer today.

“Minto inspires better places to inspire life.” This is about as insulting and condescending as their previous statement that their project is needed “to enlighten and enliven the western communities.”

I hope that the residents of the central western communities (The Acreage, Loxahatchee, Loxahatchee Groves, Deer Run and Fox Trail) read — really read — their flier. See the “testimonial” from a former Acreage resident who chose to move to a Minto development. This is what we in the western communities should be most aware of, choice. She chose the lifestyle of the PortoSol-style development. Again, her choice. But what of our choices — rural and ex-urban without all of the manicuring of streets, lawns and freedoms? Also, as you read the large “testimonial,” please do not overlook the fact that she is a Realtor — any possible self-service in this “testimonial?”

Palm Beach County won a few awards for great planning toward the end of the last millennium — they were for balanced growth and most of all for the tier system. We are rural and ex-urban. Minto West is absolute urban, and then for them to call their plan “Old Florida” is absolutely ludicrous.

As I have suggested to many over the years, please read A Land Remembered by Patrick Smith and pay particular attention to the third to the last line: “Where did it all go, Papa? … Where?”

If you are a resident of the central western communities, ask yourself: Why did I move out here? Peace, quiet, livestock, equestrian interests, gardens, nurseries, a dark night sky, wildlife, friendly folk who do not shy away from a “howdy” or a wave, or any of the other reasons that I routinely hear. It is time to get off our rocking chairs and inundate Palm Beach County government at all levels, official and staff, with one very short word — no.

I thank you for your time and consideration.

Dr. Bill Louda, Loxahatchee Groves



  1. It’s too bad the fix is in. Poor Jess can’t get the rest of the crooked commissioners to vote no with him. He has no influence on this commission to stop this. More money from developers in the commission re-election coffers. To hell with us. We need to incorporate and get away from county rule.

  2. Fear mongering?
    By pointing out that the glowing testimonial was written by a self-serving realtor?
    By pointing out the difference in land use between the current rural and ex-urban areas of the Acreage and Loxahatchee and the planned urban by a corporate vulture?
    By asking the question, “Why Did I Move Out Here?”

    Your comment fits Dr. Louda’s letter as well as Mintopolis fits our doughnut hole

      • He has every right to voice his opinion. I wish more residents would become as involved in community affairs as Dr. Louda. Those people who have been fortunate to meet Dr. Louda know your insinuating question is groundless.

        • @Ms Hall, you really mean get involved as long as they are against development…?

          also, what pray tell am I insinuating?

          • There are more issues than just development, Don. I hope more people get involved in all the issues facing their community. I really don’t know what you are insinuating. Why don’t you tell us what you mean by “Might this be more than it appears?”

  3. “Why did I move out here? Peace, quiet, livestock, equestrian interests, gardens, nurseries, a dark night sky, wildlife, friendly folk who do not shy away from a “howdy” or a wave, or any of the other reasons that I routinely hear.”

    and with the Minto West development none of this will change.
    Sorry, Fear Mongering doesn’t work on everyone Dr Louda…

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