Letter: Paglia On Fluoride, Equestrians

Just a quick note to our council, as a former councilman and vice mayor, serving with Kathy Foster, Dr. Carmine Priore, Tom Wenham, Paul Adams and, in 2000, Mark Miles and Linda Bolton, please rest assured we all wrestled with the controversial issue of fluoridation of our drinking water.

In 1999 and 2000, we debated it heavily and, in 2000, voted to include it in our water treatment system for our residents. The decision was not made without much scientific testimony from both sides.

I actually conducted a personal survey, open to residents to call my home, and after two or three weeks of phone calls, the response from residents was overwhelming to proceed with this to protect their health.

I would urge our elected officials to reconsider this issue. The Centers for Disease Control has overwhelmingly endorsed it, and more than 70 percent of American municipalities treat water supplies with fluoride to safeguard from dental disease issues.

Regarding equestrian issues, I congratulate the council for moving forward this year and making peace with our equestrian partners to enable the village to maintain its position as the “equestrian capital of America.”

Regarding council compensation, all the best to our council. I would urge you to consider this for future councils, raising your compensation to be on a par with our neighboring municipalities, like Royal Palm Beach, Greenacres and Lake Worth, as you are vastly underpaid for all the public service work you do for us.

All the best in keeping Wellington “a great hometown.”

Al Paglia, Wellington


  1. Regarding the last paragraph-Council compensation: Royal Palm Beach doesn’t spend money as crazily as Wellington. They are circumspect, sensitive to their residents economic situations. Once the council salaries are raised, that compensation will continue to increase. These salaries will rise and eventually (as greedy public servants do) people will be running for office for the pay, instead of service to a community. And, ofcourse, the council will vote to increase their pay.

    In addition, watch out for council members seeking to divide the community into districts. That is a sure way of retaining their seats. Always, allow the entire community to vote and have input into their to all elected officials.

    The economy has not improved to such a point that citizens can bear the cost of higher costs, taxation. The school district is seeking to raise taxes, the unelected healthcare district appointees are seeking to raise their taxation. High taxation is on the horizon.

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