Western Pines Honors 3 Students Of The Month

Principal Hatcher recently honored Western Pines Middle School’s Students of the Month. Selected by their math teachers, they reflect true character in and out of the classroom, as well as academic excellence.

Jazmine Palos, a sixth grader, consistently does her homework, participates in class and does extra credit work. She has come to every single one of the offered morning tutorial sessions. Palos also has an amazing attitude and has maintained it all year long.

Seventh grader Grace Waldron is a great student. She will always go the extra mile when offered. Waldron has managed more than 100 percent for the first and second nine weeks. Not only is she an exceptional student, she is also competitive in baton twirling and competed in the Junior Olympics.

Finally, eighth grader Alexis DiBello works hard to complete all assignments and always asks for help on questions she doesn’t understand. She goes above and beyond to grasp concepts in algebra, including coming in before school.

ABOVE: Prinicpal Bob Hatcher with Jazmine Palos, Alexis DiBello and Grace Waldron.