Letter: Council Shows Courage In Tennis Decision

The Wellington Village Council showed wisdom and courage in making the decision to move forward on the Wellington Community Center and the Wellington Tennis Center. Despite a highly organized and vocal small group of disgruntled tennis players, the decision to move the tennis center and construct a new community/senior center was a sound decision both financially and construction wise.

The alternative plan forwarded by the disgruntled group had more holes than Swiss cheese. Demolition costs were underestimated, possible contaminated materials disposal was not considered, muck base was not included and renovation costs were based on new construction variables, not rehab. In addition, no consideration was given to how the tennis center was going to stay open during construction, or that the current community center building was structurally not safe enough for renovation again. (It has been renovated five times over 35 years.)

What the alternative group plan fails to tell you is, if their plan was implemented, you would still have only 16 courts, the same parking, the same problems as before; and facilities that would have to be renovated again in five or six years. Another kicking the can down the road again plan. Wellington deserves better.

The new tennis center will allow growth in the youth and working adult section of our community, and enhance league play growth with outstanding facilities. [Tennis Pro Tommy] Cheatam will be able to meet the needs of a young, growing community and an increasing senior group, as well.

A new community/senior center will be constructed that can accommodate the activities requested by our residents, and seniors will finally have a home.

Mayor [Bob] Margolis was right on the mark when he spoke that the disgruntled tennis group was a tad disingenuous with their budget concerns. If you had followed them from the early workshops, their major concern was that they did not want to drive the 12 to 15 minutes extra to the new tennis center. I would ask this group to quit looking inward about their personal conveniences and look at what is best for the community and our kids.

The council looked at the best long-term interest of our community, its finances and levels of service, and made the right choice. To the opponents, you are wrong. The council did listen to you, but they made the decision that was best for the 50,000 people, not the 50 who complained. Keep going forward, council, Wellington is an outstanding place to live and grow.

Steve Haughn, Wellington