Letter: Mattioli’s Time Is Up

When is the last term the last term? That is something that I would like Matty Mattioli to explain to everyone here in the Village of Royal Palm Beach. Four years ago, he said that he wanted to have one term as mayor for all the years of service he gave sitting on the council. The voters gave it to him and he muddled through. Then, two years later, he said he wanted one more term and then he was done.

This term was an embarrassment to the residents of the village, especially those he called out publicly at meetings during the last two years. Now here he is again, asking for one more term again, and I have to ask at what cost to the village? More embarrassments, more harassing the public and more spending with no accountability?

No, not this time; it is time for a change. The village deserves a mayor with a professional, experienced approach. Someone who knows the village and the residents, who can give some leadership. Martha Webster gave five years of dedicated service to the village and has earned the opportunity to serve. I will be voting for Martha for some very solid reasons. She is the only candidate who can tell you what she will do, how she can do it, what to expect and backs what she knows with figures.

The other two ladies will tell you what they think should be done, but offer no plan, no experience and no answers. Yes, it is time for some real change: no more confusing meetings, holding your breath at what might be said or done. No more guessing at what the council is doing, because there is no discussion of items, and how decisions that affect the residents are made. It’s time for Martha Webster!

Marcia Berwick, Royal Palm Beach