Letter: Volunteers Help Spread Alcohol Awareness

Firstly, I’d like to thank the Town-Crier for the coverage of the Palm Beach County Substance Awareness Coalition’s Bus Poster Contest, which was co-sponsored by the Rotary Club of Wellington.

In addition to the 100 buses in the Royal Palm Beach yard, we had more than 80 volunteers, including Rotary Club of Wellington members, plus students from the Royal Palm Beach High School SADD Club, Palm Beach Central High School Interact Club, PBSO Explorers, DATA, LifeSkills, Girl Scouts and others putting posters in all school buses in Palm Beach County on the same day, Tuesday, Feb 18.

Six bus yards and more than 900 buses were covered. This allows more than 60,000 kids twice a day an opportunity to read a positive message on why they should not drink alcohol before their brains are fully developed.

Tom Carreras, Wellington

Editor’s note: Mr. Carreras chaired the School Bus Poster Competition for the Rotary Club of Wellington.