Letter: Swift Endorses Felicia Matula

As the longest serving member on the Royal Palm Beach Village Council (20-plus years), I am proud to endorse Felicia Matula for mayor. Felicia is a highly qualified candidate who has served the village well on our volunteer boards and as a coach and supporter of youth athletics. As a community activist, she successfully organized her neighbors to fight a plan that would allow commercial development in the north end of our village at the old wastewater treatment plant site.

She is a successful business woman and the parent of three children who attend our local elementary and middle schools. She understands the struggles that face our families today — both young and old.

Having served under five village mayors, I know that Felicia has what it takes to be the chief executive officer of our village. She will run our council meetings fairly and efficiently, and will work diligently to keep Royal Palm Beach one of the best cities in the state to raise a family or retire in. She is honest, bright, and will bring a fresh perspective and new energy to our village. I look forward to working with her on our council, and I urge you to take time to vote on Tuesday, March 11.

Councilman David Swift, Royal Palm Beach