Letter: Developments Bad For RPB

There are several developers that are proposing the construction of thousands of new homes in the western communities and Royal Palm Beach. Some construction has already been approved to proceed while other construction is in the process of being approved, as follows:

• Minto West: 2,996 new homes approved and has requested an amendment to increase this amount to 6,500.

• Highland Dunes: 2,000 new homes approved.

• LCS: 254 new homes approved.

•Avenir: 7,600 new homes proposed.

• The village approved approximately 150 new homes, plus commercial, on Southern Blvd.

• New homes are being considered by the village next to H.L Johnson Elementary School where there is a traffic and parking problem already during drop-off and pickup times.

The proposed and approved construction will increase pollution, traffic backups, road construction issues, water consumption, drainage problems and the dislocation of wildlife, to name just a few issues.

New schools will be required for the additional children who would be moving into the area, while we still haven’t solved our current traffic, drug and crime issues at our current schools. The current roads in place cannot handle the projected traffic flow, nor can they handle an emergency evacuation. State Road 7 still has not been implemented despite the data showing that it is needed.

The elected officials of Royal Palm Beach and Palm Beach County should consider the impact of these proposed developments and should only approve what the area can sustain without negatively affecting the current residents. The developers are only interested in profits and not our quality of life, whereas our elected officials should be watching out for the residents. Let’s watch our elected officials to see who they represent.

June Coenen, Royal Palm Beach


  1. Another well written letter. Thank you June, for helping educate residents of the negative impact these developers will have with our area.

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