Letter: Stop The Destruction Of The Acreage

We are currently at the most crucial point in the history and future of The Acreage. If you like where we are currently heading with Minto and GL Homes and the four-laning and six-laning of our roadways for these developers, vote for Ralph Bair, Carol Jacobs and Mike Erickson for ITID supervisors. If you want to only allow these developers to build to the longtime “Acreage zoning” of one home per 1.25 acres and only 500,000 square feet of commercial, vote for Jennifer Hager, Alan Ballweg and Betty Argue.

Jennifer, Alan and Betty will fight steadfastly alongside current Supervisor Gary Dunkley to assure that the current zoning is forever maintained and that our roads are never expanded for overdevelopment. We need your support and votes on Nov. 4 to save The Acreage as we know it from destruction via developer greed and overdevelopment.

Ed Zakrzewski, The Acreage


  1. Wasting taxpayer dollars on untenable litigation is not going to “save your roads”.

    Negotiating with Minto and the County to take control of the roads
    to ensure they are taken care of, will.

  2. Time to stop the Reckless spending of Acreage Taxes on fighting Minto West.
    Join our petition and your neighbors and let the ITID Board know you don’t want any more of YOUR tax money wasted on this endeavor. Over 1/2 Million $$$$ has spent spent so far with ITID proposing spending another 1/2 Million $$$ and possibly 1 Million $$$ in fruitless litigation with Palm Beach County.



    • This statement is not true. For individuals who are currently living on the roads Minto wants to use, spending money to save it is not fruitless. Remember, there are other developers coming in who will also want to use roads inside ITID.

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