Letter: To The Groves Grumblers: Vote!

The Feb. 3 Loxahatchee Groves Town Council meeting covered some interesting “goings-on” that bind us in common agricultural lifestyle. There was thrashing of misconstrued words of Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District courtesy grades to A Road, mineral rights and options to contend with abundant coyotes.

Attendees applauded our first town arrest of an unpermitted manure hauler, and we murmured approvingly of the need to address the cancer of seasonal travel trailers and campers, whose occupants abuse our resources, services and their disregard for septic practice.

We heard from unseated candidates, Virginia Standish and Keith Harris, who declared their candidacy for Council Seat 1 (Ron Jarriel) and Council Seat 3 (Ryan Liang) respectively, which will be determined at our town’s March 10 election. What better venue to announce your intentions as a public servant to your neighbors, and face-to-face to your opponent?

Then came an awkward still, by suggesting an allowance to current councilman to step down from the dais and talk about their incumbency. And that is what got me thinking.

Does Loxahatchee Groves have a forum for candidate debate? If “debate” offends your gentile senses, call the event a community political rally to “meet your candidates.” Perhaps an objective media personality could moderate?

We need a neutral venue to host a political rally, as we already tickle peril of not mixing “church and state” by voting in a church.

Underwood Management could organize the rally, on Saturday, March 7, at the chamber. The rally could start at noon. Groves residents could mingle with candidates. A podium and microphone could be set up under the outdoor porch. At 2 p.m., each candidate will have 10 minutes to speak and answer audience questions. 60 minutes of life-effecting open forum — sounds good, right?

Parking could be in the empty medical plaza, the Farmer’s Daughter swale or in the park to the west. Close “F” Road between Southern and Citrus from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and use the street for food and local vendors. We do have other access around that part of town.

But the real question lurks: of 3,200 Groves residents, how many care enough to attend? If the usual, “400 voters” show-up, that’s 13 percent, and the remaining 87 percent continue to grumble, but do nothing!

To the grumblers I say, make a difference. Exercise your inalienable right — for which thousands have died — and vote on March 10.

Laura Danowski, Loxahatchee Groves