Letter: Webster Supports Inspector General

The Palm Beach County Inspector General’s office protects the citizens of Palm Beach County from corruption in government while promoting efficiency, effectiveness and integrity.

This office and the funding for this office were created by the people of Palm Beach County by a greater than 72 percent of voter approval in 2010. It was again confirmed by a vote of the Palm Beach County Commission and by recommendation of the grand jury, and that is to be financed through a quarter percent fee on vendors doing business with the municipalities and the county.

If we are to make a difference in integrity and honest government, all the municipalities must follow the recommendations of the grand jury and the vote of the people. I strongly support the efforts of the inspector general and will continue to fully support the office when elected to serve.

Martha Webster, Candidate for Royal Palm Beach Village Council, Seat 2


  1. the IG and ethics commission have accomplished nothing. And it is not rue that the voters approved the funding scheme. Webster is pandering.

  2. They are a drain on taxpayer money along with the Ethic commission.How many went to jail or removed from office after 50 million taxpayers dollars spent?The only way is to have a task force with silver bracelets.No recommendation needed then.Now that’s change and needed.

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