Letter: Yes To Liang, No To Minto

Editor’s note: The following letter is in response to the letter “Truth Is A Must” by Tim Hart-Woods, published last week.

Mr. Hart-Woods has once again sniped from the sidelines while not having been an active participant in the cause that he now champions. What I refer to here is his recent comments in the Town-Crier that Mr. Ryan Liang has a “nasty group of pro-Minto people campaigning for him.” As I have endorsed Mr. Liang, I must assume that he includes me in his “pro-Minto group.”

Well, the residents of Palm Beach County and the central western communities in particular know without reiteration of the fact that I am a staunch anti-Minto campaigner. In fact, my monetary and time donations to the “No To Minto” cause are considerable. At all of the No to Minto rallies, county commission, county planning and Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council meetings, as well as in “Letters to the Editor” in the Town-Crier and other newspapers, where was Mr. Hart-Woods?

I support Mr. Liang for a variety of reasons and his pro-Minto leanings are certainly not one of those reasons. I have learned that people who think about and vote based on a single issue are too myopic to grasp the big picture. Yes to Liang. No to Minto.

Bill Louda, Loxahatchee Groves


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