FSA Pep Rally A Hit At Cholee Lake

On Friday, March 6, Cholee Lake Elementary School held a FSA Pep Rally in the school cafeteria.

Kindergarten, first and second graders, displaying banners of encouragement and support, lined the hallways cheering as the third, fourth and fifth graders and their teachers marched by. The Chick-fil-A Cow was there to greet the students.

Principal Dr. Marline Campbell spoke to the third, fourth and fifth graders, complimenting them for all of their hard work and gave inspirational words of support before the upcoming FSA testing.

All the grade levels put on exciting performances for the children. The grade levels chose popular songs and put their own words to it pertaining to the FSA. They sang and danced to the hit songs, and the crowd went wild.

It was truly a day to remember at Cholee Elementary School.

ABOVE: Third grade dual language teacher Samantha Hack and her class with the Chick-fil-A mascot.