Busy Season For WHS ‘Mighty Wolverine Sound’

Wellington High School’s “Mighty Wolverine Sound” band members have had an extremely busy and successful third quarter, and look forward to presenting two spring concerts for the entire community during the next few weeks.

On Saturday, April 25, at 7:30 p.m., the jazz band will present its annual “Jazz Under the Stars” Spring Concert at the Wellington Amphitheater (12100 W. Forest Hill Blvd.). The Wellington Landings Middle School jazz band will be joining the group in this performance. A bake sale will be held, and donations will be collected during the event to benefit the WHS band’s scholarship programs, but admission is free.

Next, on Tuesday May 5, at 7 p.m. in the WHS theater, the entire band program will present “Surround Sound 5.0,” a 360-degree concert experience. This concert features all genres of music — pop, rock, classical, jazz and more — much of it composed or arranged by band members. Admission is free, and everyone is invited.

The concerts follow a very successful winter season.

On Feb. 5-7, 130 members of the band performed in the District Solo/Ensemble Assessment. The band members earned a total of 121 Superior medals. The following band students earned Superior ratings in solo performance: freshmen Nicholas Caravello, Elizabeth Castillo, KerriannDeMaria, Lauren Dunkley, Juliana Falta and Jesse Ruehrmund; sophomores Shaye Deegan, Mitch Gulkis, Sophie Keiser, Macrae Reilly, Hannah Schoenfeld and Connor Yeackley; juniors Alex Cusell, Toni Deaver, Kelly Gerboc, Miranda Holt, Eric Jansen, Stacy Kappel, Evelyn Kassel, Steven Lemons, Marcos Munoz and Emily Newsome; and seniors Celine Chasteen, Victoria Flora, Stacie Kistela, Zachary Landress, Sera Peart and Laura Perez.

In addition, the following groups earned Superior ratings in ensemble performance: two trumpet trios, a trumpet octet, two trombone quartets, a trombone trio, a saxophone duet, an oboe duet, a clarinet trio, two brass quartets, a tuba quartet, a brass quintet, two tuba duets, a flute duet, the symphonic band brass choir, two percussion choirs and the Wellington High School jazz band. A total of 57 students qualified to perform in the State Solo/Ensemble Assessment on March 27 in Parkland.

The WHS majorette squad has had a great indoor competition season so far this year. On Feb. 13-15, the girls competed in the TwirlMania International Baton Twirling Competition held at Disney’s Wide World of Sports in Orlando. The WHS majorettes won the Disney Parade Competition for the fourth year in a row and also earned first place for their show corps and twirling corps routines.

Following that event, the girls competed in the DMA Southern State Regionals March 6-8, where the girls earned five first-place finishes out of seven routines and were selected as the outstanding team and corps of the entire competition. Special congratulations go to team captain and senior Celine Chasteen, who was recognized as the most outstanding team leader. The majorettes are now preparing for the DMA state and national championships.

Finally, congratulations to the members of the Wellington High School symphonic band and wind ensemble who performed in the District High School Music Performance Assessment on March 10-11, and hosted the entire assessment in the WHS theater along with the Wolverine Band Boosters. The symphonic band earned an overall Excellent rating, with two Superiors. The wind ensemble earned straight Superior ratings, with a total of 32 A grades and only one B grade. Congratulations also to senior Zachary Kent, who earned a Superior rating in student conducting.

To help support the Wellington High School band program, the Wolverine Band Boosters Association has a corporate sponsorship program. Sponsorship rewards are available for donations as small as $50. For more information and a sponsorship form, visit the band’s web site, www.whsband.com.