Letter: It’s Important to Say Thank You

The Wellington Roller Hockey Association (WRHA) would like to thank the Jacobs family, who make it possible for the Wellington Preservation Coalition to help local sports operations within the village. We also want to thank Tom Wenham, former Wellington mayor and the coalition’s local leader, who chose the WRHA program as one of the many local programs the Jacobs family supports.

The coalition was instrumental in getting the league kicked off this season with team sponsorships of Bruins jerseys, a rink banner and articles promoting the league in the Town Crier. Many of our skaters and parents remembered last season when Jeremy Jacobs took the time to attend our closing ceremony and personally hand out the season-end awards. The Jacobs family also shared the experience of “owning” the Stanley Cup a few years back by providing a viewing and photo opportunity with the cup. That’s a memory that hockey players and parents alike will carry for their lifetime.

It is this personal touch and the work that the coalition does within the village that makes it an important institution within the Wellington community. I know I speak for all the families of the WRHA in saying thank you. That was evident in the WRHA’s strong turnout to support the coalition’s Adopt a Street program.

In word and deed, the WRHA wants our community at large to know that Wellington has a resident family that cares quite a lot about our kids and our village. Their support gives true meaning to the proverb, “It takes a village to raise our children.” On behalf of the families of the WRHA, especially the many children your generosity touches, thank you to the Jacobs family and the Wellington Preservation Coalition.

Oren Brenner, President, Wellington Roller Hockey Association, Inc.