Letter: Ryan Supports Snowball For LGWCD Board

I’ve worked with Bob Snowball on the Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District board for eight years, and he has my full support for re-election on June 22. He understands the district’s legislative purpose and history in constructing, maintaining and improving our community’s drainage/flood control canals and primary rural roads. Bob brings good character, business management experience and realistic judgment to establish district policies, budgets and annual acre assessments — and to provide board oversight of the district’s management and operations.

Since 2007, the district has been coordinating with and supporting our new town as it develops and deals with broader public purpose responsibilities. At times, this involves working through differences of opinion, but always seeking the best decision to benefit landowners and residents. Bob’s experience in this area is important, and he always seeks good results. The most recent example is the joint project to establish recreational trails on the district’s canal maintenance roads. This was not a simple process, since it had to begin with passage of a local bill in Tallahassee and then be implemented through steps listed in the bill. The necessary foundation involving a district/town interlocal agreement was agreed to and recorded in late May. Essentially, the district is making its canal maintenance roads available for the town to implement trails that respect adjoining landowner rights, and to establish ordinances for responsible recreational uses.

The town’s RETGAC committee is working with the town management and council to outline trail requirements, recommend necessary town ordinances, and to obtain town budget and grant support. The district is not directly involved in this work. Bob Snowball’s opponent has served on the RETGAC committee. Implementing the trails, opposing Minto as urban sprawl and preserving an agricultural lifestyle appear to be her primary interests and objectives. This involves the RETGAC committee and her work directly with the town management and council. To my knowledge, Bob’s opponent has not attended any district board meetings, and some of her recent public concerns regarding the district are ill-founded. Her Town-Crier reported background suggests that with more district involvement, she could be a good future district board member. However, re-electing Bob Snowball is the positive and constructive choice on June 22.

John Ryan, Loxahatchee Groves

Editor’s note: Mr. Ryan is a Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District supervisor.