It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time

The Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida will begin its annual cookie sale, starting Thursday, Jan. 21 and continuing until Feb. 14. Cookies are $4 a box and include favorites such as Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Savannah Smiles, Do-Si-Does and Rah Rah Raisins. Also available are gluten-free Toffee-Tastic cookies, for $5 a box.

For the eighth year in a row, the Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida are sponsoring the Cookies for the Military program. Customers can purchase a box of cookies to send to the military though Forgotten Soldiers Outreach, Operation Homefront and Soldier’s Angels. Since 2009, more than 268,000 boxes of cookies have been sent to the troops. For more information, visit

At South Florida Duffy’s locations, on Friday, Feb. 5 from 5 to 9 p.m., anyone who donates a box of cookies to the Cookies for the Military program will receive a free box of Girl Scout cookies of their choice, while supplies last. Online donations are also available, and anyone who donates online will be entered for a chance to win free Girl Scout cookies for a year.

To learn more about the cookie sale, visit