Letter: Congratulations Anne, And Thanks Bob

The election is over, and the torch has been passed from the old guard of the past, to the next generation of Wellington residents. I am neither sad, nor happy, it is just the way it is, and all things move on in life. I do think we need to say a big “thank you” to Bob Margolis, for his 20-plus years of service to this great community.

Bob volunteered at many of our recreation programs to coach and support for years. He also volunteered at Wellington High School to support the football team for the years that his son played. Bob became an active proponent of recreation and was appointed to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board and served for more than five years. He was very instrumental in building the Wellington Dog Park and purchasing K-Park. Bob then served two terms on the council, helping us get through some tough patches and decisions. Finally, Bob served as our mayor for the past four years and has left a very positive legacy, despite calls of interference from benefactors. Bob’s only motivation was to try and keep the character and style of the community as he knew it when he first moved here. Not a bad thing, but not what the community wants in 2016.

Congratulations to Anne Gerwig. She ran a strong and good campaign, based on new leadership and wanting a change from the old guard and its benefactors. We in the community are hoping she forges a new consensus among the council that looks forward and takes care of the village’s business in the future. She inherits a village that is financially very strong, has updated and modern infrastructure, a competent and committed staff, a recreation program that is first class, and a level of service to the residents that is second to none. Hopefully, Mayor Gerwig will move our village forward into the 21st century while maintaining the values and levels of service that Wellington residents expect. With the new tennis facility and community center on line, the question is: Where is the next step in our community’s future? Although many doubt that keeping all construction and development out of Wellington is not possible, what is the plan for our future, and what is considered positive growth, and what is not?

My best wishes to Mayor Anne Gerwig. She has some big decisions facing her: K-Park, polo/equestrian development, commercial development and appointing a new council person. My biggest hope is that the council picks a person who has valuable history on Wellington and how we got here, is involved with Wellington activities like recreation and building, and is nonaligned with either of the large-money benefactors — someone who can give an opinion based on experience and time served, and is in it for the benefit of the residents of Wellington. Good luck, Anne.

Steve Haughn, Wellington


  1. The decision to not appoint Gerwig was one of many mean-spirited actions of Margolis. Margolis was a pawn of the Jacobs who had a passive aggressive nature. Passive when talking face to face and aggressive when stabbing you from behind.

    He wrongly believed the Jacobs money would keep him in office.

    We now have a Mayor who will do what is right for Wellington. No more spending millions of dollars of our money on lawsuits to implement the wishes of the Jacobs.

    In one year alone Margolis, Willhite and crew spent $1,000,000 of our money just in FY 2012/13 on legal fees to benefit the Jacobs by trying to Keep Global closed. That would surely have paid for a lot of recreation programs and instructions for our kids.

  2. This is a great letter. Kudos to former Mayor Margolis who displayed emotional maturity on the dias and wasn’t given to theatrics as others on the Council did.

    Margolis would have been serving his second term if he hadn’t agreed with Councilman Willhite to forego the appointment of former Councilwoman Gerwig to the Vice Mayor position.

    As Vice Mayor, Gerwig would have JUST had a title and would have occasionally chaired meetings. That’s it. That’s all!

    It was a juvenile decision to side with the Willhite when he circumvented Gerwig’s appointment as Vice Mayor. Maturity and fairness did not prevail. It was a childish, childish political decision.

    Good luck and Good health to Mr. Margolis and his family. Though we may never know, one day, Mr. Willhite will reap the nastiness he has sowed in this community. Karma will prevail.

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