New Horizons Awarded Farm Bureau Grant

Erin Santiago, Edie Tetrault, Betty Baez and Lourdes Palmer.

A grant from the Florida Farm Bureau will support a special learning experience for a group of students at New Horizons Elementary School. The grant has been awarded for the 2017-18 academic year under Farm Bureau’s statewide, competitive Agriculture in the Classroom program.

Second-grade teachers Edie Tetrault and Lourdes Palmer, along with kindergarten teachers Betty Baez and Erin Santiago, earned the funding by submitting a successful application for the grant. The second-graders and kindergarten students will collaborate in planting an organic garden. The students will learn about proper eating habits and nutrition. This will include all areas of the curriculum: reading, writing, science and math. They will learn the value of healthy eating, and how it effects our bodies and lifestyles.

Students will cultivate the plants and study their growth and development. Also, students will incorporate STEM activities during the process of learning. The students will be planting different fruits and vegetables, as well as understanding the purpose of bees, pollination and the lifecycle of a butterfly. Students at New Horizons are excited for this awesome opportunity and learning experience.

Farm Bureau mini-grants are offered annually. The grants are intended to help promote a better understanding of contemporary agriculture among students and teachers.

The Florida Farm Bureau has awarded mini-grants totaling more than $20,000 to teachers across the state for the 2017-18 academic year. For more information about the Florida Farm Bureau Agriculture in the Classroom program, contact Michele Curts at