Letter: Jarriel Thanks Town Voters

I want to thank each and every one of the residents of Loxahatchee Groves for taking time out to vote in the March 13 town council election, both the walk-ins and the absentee ballots. I’m very proud that we, the people, set a record of 591 total votes, and that it was the closest race in the history of the town. Let’s do even better next year.

As far as my opponents, I must compliment Neil O’Neal. As a 21-year-old, he is a fine young man, and for running a clean campaign and stepping up to the plate. It is obvious that his heart was in it for right reasons and, hopefully, he will be ready to run again in next year’s election. Phillis Maniglia worked harder than any opponent has ever worked to win an election, and it paid off. Hopefully, she will try and keep her campaign promises to her supporters and those will be in the best interest of all Loxahatchee Groves residents.

I welcome both Phillis and Joyce Batcheler to the council. My hope is that their service to the residents will improve our quality of life, roads and drainage in the Groves. Good luck to you both.

In closing, remember that this election was won by only four votes, and that is why every vote counts. I’ve had nine good years on the Loxahatchee Groves Town Council, and I thank all my group of supporters for sticking with me and working hard through the process. It has been a great learning and rewarding experience.

God bless Loxahatchee Groves, and may this year be the best one ever.

Vice Mayor Ron Jarriel, Loxahatchee Groves