Berean Christian Students Visit Washington

Berean students with Rep. Rooney on the steps of the Capitol.

The junior class at Berean Christian School recently traveled to Washington, D.C., to learn more about our government and to take in the historical sites.

This trip has been a tradition at Berean for many years and is usually reflected upon by students as a “trip to remember.” While it is beneficial to learn history from textbooks and from a classroom setting, it comes alive as students visit actual historic sites and learn first-hand about the United States government.

As always, one of the main highlights is being able to meet Congressman Thomas J. Rooney (R-District 17) on the steps of the Capitol Building as he speaks about his experiences and answers students’ questions.

This year is memorable as Rooney will not be seeking reelection this fall. The teachers who have chaperoned this trip for several years agree that Rooney has always been so kind to fit the group into his day. He has always been accommodating and welcoming to the students from South Florida.

One junior at Berean Christian School, Tara Brigham, even brought a picture of herself as a young child holding a campaign sign for Rooney during his first election. It was an enjoyable connection, as he reminisced about the early years.

To learn about this trip or any other program at Berean Christian School, visit