Let’s Get Booking And BurgerFi Helping Dyslexics Build Confidence

Let’s Get Booking co-founders Shane Herman and Nestor Flores with kids who read aloud to shelter dogs.

In celebration of the recent partnership between Let’s Get Booking, a safe space to help dyslexics build their confidence, and BurgerFi, they hosted an event at Big Dog Ranch Rescue on Sunday, Oct. 14 where children were invited to read out loud to shelter dogs, providing a stress-free and non-judgmental environment. Throughout the event, children were rewarded with BurgerFi gift cards and goodies for reaching new reading achievements. Co-founders Shane Herman (age 11) and Nestor Flores (age 14), who battle with dyslexia themselves, decided to create Let’s Get Booking to provide a safe space for readers. Learn more at www.letsgetbooking.com.